The health of our relationships is a lot like our physical health. We need to take steps to stay healthy, including regular check-ups. Take a moment to answer the questions below for a quick Relationship Check-up: EMOTIONAL CONNECTION I feel like my partner truly knows me…TRUE / FALSE I feel like I truly know my partner…TRUE…
Author: Hilary Phillips, MS, LPC
Hilary is the Founder of We Want More, LLC. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a private practice, Connections Counseling & Development Center, in Atlanta, GA. Her work is focused on helping people get the most that they can out of all of their relationships.
Soul Mates: Real or Imaginary Creatures?
I was shaped significantly, as we all are, by my parents’ relationship. Their marriage, although not perfect, seemed to be filled with love, commitment, and a deep abiding respect for each other as individuals. My parents would often refer to themselves as soul mates. With my young, simplistic view of the world, I made it…