Please note that I am currently on Maternity Leave and not seeing any clients or doing any consultations at the moment. If you have a question or topic you would like addressed please submit it. I generally write articles in response to what readers are wanting to learn more about. Thanks!
Thank you for your interest in my services! Listed here are the in office and online services I offer. For pricing and booking please contact me via the contact form below or at erica(at)ericadjossa(dot)com.
Individual Adult Psychotherapy
I offer individual adult therapy from an eclectic approach that includes attachment/emotion focused, cognitive behavioural and experiential therapy. We focus individual adult treatment on areas such as:
- Romantic relationships
- Interpersonal relationships (friends, family, co-workers)
- Lacking meaning/fulfillment
- Going through life transitions or career problems
- Adjustment difficulties
- Poor self esteem
- Anxiety or worry
- Depression
Individual Adult Coaching
Coaching is an action oriented solution-focused way to help people identify specific goals and reach those goals faster with less hurdles. We help to provide our clients with the tools and perspective to accomplish goals and make lasting change. We aim to reframe beliefs and thoughts that could be holding you back from your full potential. Coaching service areas include:
- Relationship coaching
- Dating coaching
- Emotional wellness
- More balanced lifestyle
- Seeking fulfillment/meaning
- Life transition
- Developing wholehearted living
- Rediscovering creativity
- Finding your inner voice
If you are not located within Durham Region, Ontario individual coaching services can be offered via Skype or telephone. Please contact me to learn more.
Couple Therapy
Couple therapy is a means of resolving problems and conflicts that couples have not been able to handle effectively on their own. It involves both partners sitting down with a therapist to discuss their thoughts and feelings. The aim is to help them gain a better understanding of themselves and their partner, to decide if they need and want to make changes, and if so, to help them to do so. Couple therapy focuses on areas such as:
- Dysfunctional communication
- Personality clashes
- Control and power issues
- Disagreements about household, life style or parenting
- External pressures or situational stress
- Unfulfilled emotional needs
- Partner either withdrawing or being too needy
*While couples seek therapy for several different reasons I specialize in these areas specifically. I will refer couples that are struggling in the areas of addiction, abuse and serious mental health concerns.
Couple Coaching
Couple coaching is an action oriented solution-focused way to help a couple identify specific target points and reach goals faster with less hurdles. I help to provide your relationship with the tools and understanding necessary to build a mutually rewarding, lasting and intimate relationship. Couple coaching focuses on areas such as:
- Discovering your vision, values, and goals as a couple
- Finding solutions
- Building a more satisfying and intimate relationship
- Discovering actions required and commit to following through
- Prioritizing roles and responsibilities in relationship
- Bringing playfulness and fun back into your relationship
- Gaining overall insight and understanding of relationship subtleties
Pre-marriage Counselling/Coaching
Getting engaged and making the decision to get married is a very exciting time in life! Take the time to discuss serious topics ahead of time to ensure that you and your partner are on the same page and that there will be no surprise when it comes to hot button topics like in-laws, finances, how many children to have, parenting practices, etc. Contact me to find out more about our pre-marriage services.
Your advice and information has helped me understand that my long, slowly declining relationship is an anxious(myself)-avoidant(her) relationship. We’re falling apart because we didn’t know there is such thing as different “love” or “needs” for each other and I now see obvious reasons why we have been so dysfunctional with repeated attempts to “fix” things. We are very close to going our separate ways and I hope I can talk to her and hope she understands and believes these are the problems. I also have to hope she actively tries to change our old ways and compromise equally with me. I have done everything I could do to help and fix things myself but no effort from her and she thinks we won’t be able to save our 3 year-2 year friendship-relationship, memories, and adversity-filled (Spinal Cord Injury) relationship. Wish me good luck and send a prayer please..