Why Contribute to TLC?
To be part of something great: In this day and age, there is a common lack of understanding when it comes to how relationships work and how our dating choices will affect the long-term outcome of our relationships. Our mission at TLC is to create and foster a relationship literate generation.
Your post will receive more exposure: While TLC is still young and growing, it has been established for over a year and has become one of the go to sites for understanding adult attachment styles and how they affect relationships. Your blog post will gain exposure and you will become part of the TLC family that helps singles and couples navigate their way to the love and relationships they desire.
Writing Guidelines:
- 500 to 700 words: This is about the average length of articles on the site. If you find that you are writing an article that is significantly longer, it can be broken down into Part 1 and Part 2.
- If you are an expert, write from a professional yet fun and entertaining perspective: being an expert in your field, whether counselling, psychology, marriage and family therapy, match making, etc. is an asset. If you are writing as an expert in a field your knowledge is invaluable! We just ask that your knowledge be packaged in a relatable and less academic way.
- If you are writing from your personal experience, focus on being relatable and connecting with the readers. You don’t need to have a Ph.D. hanging on your wall to be able to understand and share insight about relationships. While we highly value education and expertise, subjective experiences about surviving a break up, being single, etc. are just as powerful and often much more relatable then a bunch of psychological babble. If you are looking to become a contributor based on your perspective and experience we ask that you: use stories and personal experiences, try not to overgeneralize that this is everyone’s experience, and try as much as possible to not base things solely upon your opinion. Meaning if possible, have some examples, evidence, research etc. to support any advice you give. This isn’t meant to be a Cosmo advice blog about how to snag a partner with all your fancy tricks in bed. We are looking for articles and contributors with substance.
- Provide original work: if you use a quote, site it. If you got an idea or concept from another article, hyperlink to it. Be honest, have integrity and get your creative juices flowing. If you have a piece that you have written for your own blog or another site, you can submit it to TLC. Just make sure that you have permission from the other platform and provide the original article and URL so it can be linked back to the original source.
- Contributor Requirements: in order to be considered a contributor and be added with a bio and picture to our contributor page, you need to provide a minimum of 2 articles a month. If you can’t commit to on going writing, you can be featured as a guest writer.
Topics of Interest:
- Being single:
- Learning to tolerate loneliness
- Finding yourself before looking for love
- Maintaining your own identity when starting to date
- Understanding your attachment style
- Learning to regulate your anxiety around relationships
- What to look for in a partner
- Knowing what you need in a relationship
- Settling vs. looking for a suitable match
- Surviving a breakup:
- How to manage flashbacks and memories
- When enough is enough, understanding when its time to leave a relationship
- How to actually make the conscious decision to let go
- Strategies and ways to move on and not look back
- When is a break up broken and when it is salvageable
- Relationships:
- Navigating transitions in relationships: marriage, babies, a spouse losing a job, in laws moving in, etc.
- Navigating differing attachment styles or personality types
- How to solve conflicts and communicate about: parenting, finances, boundaries with opposite sex, etc.
- Ways to develop and improve emotional or physical intimacy
- Fun date night to spice up the routine
How to Submit:
- Email your post to Erica at the-love.compass.com: please email your post as a Microsoft word attachment. Also include a short bio and photo.
Please note that TLC reserves the write to accept or deny written submissions based on their compatibility with our brand and platform.
Hello Erica, I am in the process of starting a couple of blogs myself, one will focus on relationships. Ironically enough, my wife left me, along with my 11-month-old son two months ago. She is She has an Avoidant/Dismissive Attachment Style and only realized this post-split. It could be a pretty interesting love story especially when you consider a lot of the details of what happened with us. BTW, if your website was secure (https not http), Google will rank your articles even higher.